Wednesday 19 April 2017

Best Dressed Lists - No Thanks

For the most part, best dressed lists do not mean much to me. Who makes those "best dressed" lists? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with being well-dressed but rather who you are and where you go and where you are seen.

Recently I perused Calgary's Avenue magazine featuring their best dressed choices. The clothing and accessories ranged from a blouse from Urban Outfitters, a dress bought from a consignment online store,, shoes purchased at Aldo and Chanel, items from Holt Renfrew and the Bay to earrings bought at the Women in Need Society Thrift Store. The NICE in this list was the variety and range of clothing. High-end designers were visible but not on everyone illustrated. The ages ranged from 20/30 somethings to 50+somethings. There were four men and seven women, and one couple which actually made it the 11 Best Dressed in Calgary for 2017. Although I appreciated the variety and neutrality of clothing bought at Urban Outfitters and the Bay, I didn't see the "best" in this list. If this is the "best", the eccentric meets "the best" criteria as well as the mediocre. I do commend those who mix the likes of H&M and designer choices in one ensemble.

Harper's Bazaar has a weekly best dressed list. Weekly? This weekly best dressed list again smacks of mediocrity and only focuses on celebrities that need the media attention. I suppose Harper's plays the role but really identifying people who they claim to be best dressed when they are simply dressed has lessened my opinion this endeavour. With that, the weekly Harper's best dressed list has gotten old for me. Like I said, it's a dressed list but not necessarily a "best" dressed list. It is just like any other posting of what a particular celebrity is wearing in a particular week.

The judgement required to value someone as best dressed is so subjective it can not be worth anything to anyone. It may have some entertainment value but in my opinion that is all. Perhaps, if there was a rationale by the adjudicator of what and why he or she considered the clothing the best or why the person who is wearing the clothing should be so designated. 

My mother's words come back to haunt me - If you are going to be critical, be prepared to provide a better "widget", idea or plan of action.

OK mom, I now have no other choice but to start working on this blog's 2017 Best Dressed List or perhaps a Well Dressed List. Yes that's it, A Well Dressed List.

Best dressed lists - still a NO THANKS - but now maybe a Well-Dressed List can replace the "best".

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